TAPS Model: Let’s apply in Product Management

Rohit Verma
Published in
8 min readApr 29, 2024


The TAPS Model, also known as the “TAPS Triangle,” is a problem-solving framework that has gained traction in various fields, including coaching, leadership development, and organizational management. While specific details about its origin are not widely documented, the model appears to have emerged from the realm of coaching and personal development, where it is used to explore cognitive overload and facilitate decision-making.

Understanding the TAPS Model

In product management, where complexities abound and decisions carry significant weight, having a structured approach to navigate challenges is essential. The TAPS Model, a coaching tool devised to untangle cognitive overload and guide individuals or teams towards clarity and action, offers just that.

Tell: The journey through the TAPS Model begins with “Tell,” a stage where individuals or teams articulate their circumstances and challenges with clarity and precision. This phase is not merely about recounting events but rather about distilling complex situations into digestible narratives. Through effective storytelling, participants lay the foundation for shared understanding and empathy, setting the stage for collaborative problem-solving.

Ask: As the narrative unfolds, the “Ask” stage invites exploration and inquiry. Here, the coach or facilitator assumes the role of an inquisitive guide, posing open-ended questions to probe deeper into the intricacies of the situation. This phase is not about offering quick fixes but rather about unraveling underlying factors, assumptions, and perspectives that may lie beneath the surface. By fostering a culture of curiosity and introspection, the Ask stage paves the way for nuanced insights and breakthroughs.

Problem: With insights gleaned from the Tell and Ask stages, attention shifts to the “Problem” phase, where the focus sharpens on identifying the root cause of the challenges at hand. This stage demands discernment and critical analysis as participants sift through the complexities to pinpoint the underlying issues contributing to cognitive overload or impeding progress. Here, clarity emerges from chaos as participants unravel the tangled web of factors influencing their circumstances.

Solution: Armed with a deep understanding of the problem, the final stage, “Solution,” sets the stage for action and innovation. Drawing upon insights gained from the preceding stages, participants engage in collaborative ideation, brainstorming creative strategies to address the challenges head-on. From practical solutions to out-of-the-box interventions, this phase empowers individuals or teams to chart a course towards resolution, leveraging their collective wisdom and ingenuity.

Practical Application in Product Management

The TAPS Model serves as a guiding light amidst uncertainty. Let’s understand deeper into its practical application through the lens of product management:

Scenario 1: Handling Scope Creep

Tell: A product manager finds the scope of a project continually expanding, leading to delays and resource constraints.

Ask: Through probing questions, the manager explores the underlying factors contributing to scope creep, such as evolving stakeholder requirements or ambiguous project boundaries.

Problem: With insights gained from exploration, the root cause of scope creep is unearthed, be it inadequate requirement gathering processes or shifting market dynamics.

Solution: Armed with clarity on the problem, the manager devises targeted strategies to mitigate scope creep, such as implementing robust change management protocols, setting clear project boundaries, and fostering stakeholder alignment.

Scenario 2: Resolving Team Conflict

Tell: Conflict arises among team members, impeding collaboration and stifling productivity.

Ask: Through empathetic questioning, the manager delves into the underlying tensions and perspectives of team members, fostering open dialogue and understanding.

Problem: With iqnsights gleaned from dialogue, the manager identifies the root cause of the conflict, whether it be miscommunication, divergent goals, or personality clashes.

Solution: Equipped with a deep understanding of the problem, the manager facilitates team-building exercises, establishes conflict resolution protocols, and fosters a culture of open communication to promote harmony and collaboration within the team.

Pros & Cons of TAPS Model

Utilizing the TAPS Model in product management offers several advantages, but it also comes with its own set of limitations. Let’s explore both aspects:


  1. Structured Approach: The TAPS Model provides a structured framework for addressing challenges, promoting a systematic and organized approach to problem-solving. This structure can help product managers navigate complex situations more effectively and efficiently.
  2. Shared Understanding: By encouraging individuals or teams to articulate their challenges and explore different perspectives, the TAPS Model fosters a shared understanding of the problem. This shared understanding lays the groundwork for collaboration and consensus-building, enhancing teamwork and alignment.
  3. Holistic Problem Identification: Through the iterative process of Tell, Ask, Problem, and Solution, the TAPS Model facilitates a thorough examination of the underlying factors contributing to a challenge. This holistic approach to problem identification helps unearth root causes that may have been overlooked otherwise, enabling more effective solutions.
  4. Creative Solutions: The TAPS Model encourages brainstorming and ideation in the Solution stage, fostering creativity and innovation. By leveraging diverse perspectives and insights gathered throughout the process, product managers can devise novel solutions to complex problems, driving positive outcomes.
  5. Empowerment and Ownership: Engaging individuals or teams in the problem-solving process empowers them to take ownership of the solution. This sense of ownership fosters accountability and commitment, motivating stakeholders to implement and sustain the proposed solutions.


  1. Time-Consuming: The TAPS Model involves multiple stages and iterative cycles of exploration and analysis, which can be time-consuming. In fast-paced environments, dedicating sufficient time to each stage of the model may pose challenges, leading to delays in decision-making and action.
  2. Complexity: While the structured approach of the TAPS Model can be advantageous, it may also introduce complexity, especially in situations where the problem is multifaceted or ambiguous. Navigating through the various stages of the model requires careful navigation and facilitation, which may be daunting for some teams.
  3. Subjectivity: The effectiveness of the TAPS Model relies heavily on the quality of communication and interaction among participants. Subjective biases, communication barriers, or power dynamics within the team can influence the outcomes of the model, potentially leading to biased or incomplete problem identification and solution development.
  4. Resistance to Change: Implementing solutions identified through the TAPS Model may encounter resistance from stakeholders who are reluctant to embrace change. Overcoming resistance and fostering buy-in requires effective change management strategies and communication efforts, which may pose additional challenges.
  5. Resource Intensive: Engaging in the TAPS Model effectively requires skilled facilitation, active participation, and resources such as time, personnel, and tools. Organizations with limited resources or expertise may struggle to implement the model successfully, limiting its applicability in certain contexts.

Alternative to TAPS Model

While the TAPS Model provides a structured framework for problem-solving and decision-making, there are several alternative approaches that product managers can consider depending on their specific needs and preferences. Here are a few alternatives to the TAPS Model:

  1. SWOT Analysis: SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis is a popular framework for assessing the internal strengths and weaknesses of a product or organization, as well as the external opportunities and threats it faces. This method can help product managers identify strategic priorities and develop action plans based on their findings.
  2. Design Thinking: Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that emphasizes empathy, ideation, prototyping, anqd testing. Product managers can leverage Design Thinking principles to gain deep insights into user needs, generate creative solutions, and rapidly iterate on product concepts to drive customer satisfaction and success.
  3. Agile Methodology: Agile is a project management approach that emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and adaptability. Product managers can adopt Agile practices such as Scrum or Kanban to facilitate transparency, responsiveness, and continuous improvement throughout the product development lifecycle.
  4. Lean Startup Methodology: The Lean Startup Methodology advocates for a lean and iterative approach to product development, focusing on rapid experimentation, validated learning, and customer feedback. Product managers can use Lean Startup principles to minimize waste, mitigate risk, and maximize the chances of creating successful products that meet customer needs.
  5. Critical Path Analysis: Critical Path Analysis is a project management technique used to identify the critical path, or the sequence of tasks that determines the minimum time required to complete a project. Product managers can employ Critical Path Analysis to optimize resource allocation, identify potential bottlenecks, and streamline project timelines.
  6. Root Cause Analysis: Root Cause Analysis is a problem-solving technique aimed at identifying the underlying causes of issues or failures. Product managers can apply Root Cause Analysis methodologies such as the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram to systematically uncover the root causes of problems and implement effective corrective actions.
  7. Decision Matrix Analysis: Decision Matrix Analysis is a decision-making tool used to evaluate multiple options based on weighted criteria and select the best course of action. Product managers can utilize Decision Matrix Analysis to objectively assess alternative solutions, prioritize initiatives, and make informed decisions aligned with strategic goals.

By traversing the stages of Tell, Ask, Problem, and Solution, PMs and teams can navigate cognitive overload with finesse, unraveling complexity to unveil opportunities for growth and innovation. In the quest for clarity and action, the TAPS Model stands as a steadfast companion, guiding product managers towards success in their endeavors.

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