PM Interview question → Imagine you’re a product manager at Meta. How would you make users feel less guilty about using Instagram while also increasing revenue?

Rohit Verma
5 min readSep 16, 2024

Interviewer: “Imagine you’re a product manager at Meta. How would you make users feel less guilty about using Instagram while also increasing revenue?”

Interviewee: “Absolutely, I’d be happy to tackle that question. First and foremost, I think it’s crucial to understand why users might feel guilty about using Instagram.”

Interviewer: “That’s a good starting point. What reasons come to mind?”

Interviewee: “Well, users might feel guilty for several reasons:

  1. Time Consumption: They may feel they’re spending too much time on the app, leading to procrastination or neglect of other responsibilities.
  2. Comparisons and Mental Health: Constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles can lead to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.
  3. Addictive Behaviors: Features like endless scrolling and frequent notifications might make users feel they’re not in control of their usage.
  4. Content Overload: Being bombarded with ads or irrelevant content can contribute to a negative experience.”

Interviewer: “Those are insightful points. How would you address these issues to reduce user guilt?”

Interviewee: “To address these concerns, I’d propose a multi-faceted approach that aligns user well-being with our revenue goals.

  1. Enhance Mindful Usage Features:
  • Personalized Time Management Tools: Improve existing features by providing users with detailed insights into their app usage. For example, showing time spent on educational content versus casual browsing.
  • Gentle Reminders: Introduce customizable alerts that nudge users when they’ve been scrolling for extended periods, encouraging them to take breaks.

2. Promote Positive and Valuable Content:

  • Curated Educational Feed: Create a dedicated section for educational or skill-building content, like language lessons or DIY projects.
  • Wellness Initiatives: Partner with mental health organizations to offer content promoting well-being, such as mindfulness exercises or stress management tips.

3. Foster Meaningful Connections:

  • Community Building Features: Encourage users to join interest-based groups to engage in discussions or collaborative projects.
  • Interactive Challenges: Launch community challenges that promote positive habits, like fitness goals or reading milestones.

4. Integrate Productivity Tools:

  • In-App Scheduling: Allow users to set personal goals or to-do lists within Instagram, helping them balance their time effectively.
  • App Integration: Collaborate with productivity apps to integrate features that help users stay organized without leaving Instagram.

5. Improve Advertising Experience:

  • Relevant Ads: Utilize advanced algorithms to ensure ads are highly relevant and beneficial to the user, reducing the feeling of being spammed.
  • Transparency: Clearly label sponsored content to maintain trust and allow users to control their ad preferences.”

Interviewer: “These are great strategies. How do you see them impacting revenue positively?”

Interviewee: “Each of these initiatives can open up new revenue opportunities:

  • Sponsored Educational Content: Partner with online learning platforms to offer sponsored courses or tutorials, generating revenue through sponsorships or affiliate marketing.
  • Premium Features: Introduce subscription models for ad-free experiences or exclusive content and tools.
  • Brand Partnerships for Challenges: Collaborate with brands to sponsor community challenges, offering rewards or discounts, which drives both engagement and revenue.
  • Productivity App Collaborations: Form partnerships with productivity apps for integration, potentially leading to revenue sharing or cross-promotion.”

Interviewer: “How would you go about implementing these ideas?”

Interviewee: “I would suggest a phased implementation strategy:

  1. Pilot Programs:
  • Testing Features: Roll out new features to a small user base to gather feedback and measure impact.
  • Refinement: Use insights to fine-tune the features before a wider release.

2. Marketing and Communication:

  • User Education: Launch campaigns highlighting how the new features enhance user well-being.
  • Transparency: Be open about the steps Instagram is taking to improve the user experience.

3. Monitoring and Iteration:

  • Data Analysis: Continuously monitor user engagement, time spent on different content types, and overall app usage.
  • Feedback Loops: Encourage users to provide feedback and make it easy for them to share their thoughts.
  • Iterate: Make adjustments based on data and user feedback to optimize the features.”

Interviewer: “What challenges do you anticipate, and how would you address them?”

Interviewee: “Great question. Potential challenges include:

  • Feature Overload: Introducing too many new elements at once might overwhelm users. To mitigate this, I’d prioritize the most impactful features and roll them out gradually.
  • Balancing Revenue and User Experience: We need to ensure that new revenue streams don’t detract from the user experience. Ads and sponsored content should be seamlessly integrated and add value rather than feeling intrusive.
  • User Adoption: Some users might be resistant to change. Clear communication about the benefits and providing easy-to-use features can help encourage adoption.”

Interviewer: “How would you measure the success of these initiatives?”

Interviewee: “We’d track several key metrics:

  • User Engagement: Monitor changes in session duration, frequency, and interaction with new features.
  • User Sentiment: Gather feedback through surveys and analyze social media mentions to assess how users feel about the changes.
  • Revenue Metrics: Look at increases in ad revenue, subscription uptake, and revenue from sponsored content partnerships.
  • Feature Adoption Rates: Measure how many users are utilizing the new features and their engagement levels.”

Interviewer: “Do you have any final thoughts you’d like to share?”

Interviewee: “Ultimately, by addressing the root causes of user guilt, we can enhance the overall Instagram experience. Implementing features that promote mindful usage, valuable content, and meaningful interactions not only reduces negative feelings but also encourages deeper engagement.

This approach creates a win-win situation:

  • For Users: They feel better about the time they spend on Instagram, experiencing personal growth and well-being.
  • For the Company: Increased user satisfaction leads to higher retention rates, more engagement, and diversified revenue streams.

I’m excited about the potential of these strategies to make a positive impact both for users and for Meta.”

Interviewer: “Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful responses. It’s been a pleasure discussing your ideas.”

Interviewee: “Thank you for the opportunity. I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing these ideas to life and contributing to Instagram’s continued success.”

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Rohit Verma

Group Product Manager @AngelOne, ex-@Flipkart, @Cleartrip @IIM Bangalore.