How PMs can measure the success of their Product?

Rohit Verma
2 min readNov 18, 2021


PM’s can assess the product’s health & financial feasibility by measuring the metrics divided into the below 5 buckets :

  1. Product journey 🛣️
    → Are users successfully able to achieve their job with your product?
  2. Actionable utility metrics ⚒️
    → What are the leading signals of user behavior that indicate they are deriving utility from your product?
  3. User satisfaction 👥
    → Is your product able to satisfy users' expectations?
    → Areas where the product is excelling?
    → Areas where the product is lagging?
  4. User connection metrics 🖇️
    → Is your product optimized across each user touchpoint in order to invoke positive feedback from the users?
  5. Customer lifetime value (CLV) 💰
    → Is your product worth the financial viability of the business over the long term?

The below graph highlights the placement of the 5 buckets based on the impact generated by them vs the effort and complexity to measure and optimize the metrics.

In the next article, I will detail out metrics in each of the 5 buckets with the help of examples. Stay tuned 👀

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Rohit Verma

Senior Product Manager @AngelOne, ex-@Flipkart, @Cleartrip @IIM Bangalore.