How do Product Managers build Empathy?

Rohit Verma
3 min readFeb 26, 2024

To help Product Managers build empathy effectively, I’ll outline a structured approach that includes actionable tactics and examples. This approach will be encapsulated in a template that can be adapted and used in various product development contexts.

Structured Approach to Building Empathy

1. Understand Your Users

  • Tactic: Conduct User Research
  • Action: Organize and conduct interviews, surveys, and observation sessions with your target users.
  • Example: Schedule interviews with 10 users from different demographics within your target market to understand their daily challenges related to your product domain.

2. Persona Development

  • Tactic: Create Detailed User Personas
  • Action: Synthesize research data into user personas that represent your typical users, including their goals, needs, pain points, and behavior patterns.
  • Example: Develop a persona for “Sarah,” a tech-savvy professional in her 30s who values efficiency and reliability in productivity tools.

3. Empathy Mapping

  • Tactic: Utilize Empathy Maps
  • Action: For each persona, create an empathy map that outlines what they think, feel, see, and do in relation to your product or service.
  • Example: For “Sarah,” map out her thoughts and feelings about managing her work-life balance, and how a productivity tool fits into her daily routine.

4. Immersive Experience

  • Tactic: Experience Your User’s Environment
  • Action: Immerse yourself in your users’ environments to better understand the context in which they interact with your product.
  • Example: Spend a day working in a co-working space to observe how freelancers use productivity tools in their workflows.

5. Prototype Testing

  • Tactic: Engage Users with Prototypes
  • Action: Use prototypes to gather feedback on specific features or the overall user experience from your target audience.
  • Example: Create a clickable prototype of a new feature and observe how users like “Sarah” interact with it, noting any confusion or delight.

6. Feedback Loops

  • Tactic: Establish Continuous Feedback Mechanisms
  • Action: Set up channels for ongoing user feedback, such as user forums, feedback widgets, or regular check-in calls with key users.
  • Example: Implement a monthly feedback session with a group of power users to discuss recent updates and gather suggestions.

7. Reflect and Iterate

  • Tactic: Reflect on Insights and Iterate
  • Action: Regularly review user feedback and empathy insights to iterate on your product design and development.
  • Example: After each release, hold a team retrospective to discuss user feedback and how well the product is meeting user needs, then plan iterations accordingly.

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Rohit Verma

Group Product Manager @AngelOne, ex-@Flipkart, @Cleartrip @IIM Bangalore.