Elevating Call Quality Experience: A Critical Evaluation of WhatsApp’s Audio Call Feedback Feature

Rohit Verma
4 min readJun 14, 2023

As the demand for seamless communication grows, WhatsApp, a popular messaging platform, has introduced an audio call feedback feature to gauge the quality of calls using a 5-star rating system. However, as a Product Manager, it is crucial to assess this feature critically to identify its strengths and areas for improvement. While the intention behind collecting feedback is commendable, there are several aspects of this implementation that require deeper consideration.

In this post, we will delve into the key elements of WhatsApp’s audio call feedback feature and propose recommendations for enhancing the overall user experience.

  1. Limited Feedback Scope:

The current 5-star rating system oversimplifies the multifaceted nature of call quality, failing to capture the nuanced details that users may encounter during calls. Issues such as latency, dropped calls, or audio distortions are not adequately addressed by this simplified rating system. A more comprehensive approach is necessary to gather detailed information that can help diagnose specific issues and drive tangible improvements.

2. Lack of Contextual Feedback:

The feedback prompt appears immediately after the call ends, without providing any context or specific questions related to the call experience. Users may struggle to recall the details of the call or understand which specific aspects of call quality they should rate. This lack of contextualization hampers the granularity of the feedback collected, making it challenging for WhatsApp to gain meaningful insights for further improvement.

3. Absence of User Commentaries:

The audio call feedback feature solely relies on a 5-star rating without allowing users to provide additional comments or explanations for their ratings. By omitting the opportunity for users to share their thoughts, concerns, or suggestions, WhatsApp misses out on valuable feedback that could identify specific issues and provide actionable insights for enhancement. Incorporating a comment feature would empower users to express their experiences and contribute to the iterative improvement process.

4. Feedback Timing:

Requesting feedback immediately after the call might not be the most optimal timing. Users may still be processing the call experience or engaging in post-call activities, potentially impacting the accuracy and thoughtfulness of their feedback. To obtain more accurate and valuable insights, WhatsApp should consider prompting users to provide feedback at a later time, allowing them to reflect on the call quality and provide more comprehensive feedback.

4. Lack of Transparency and Actionability:

One critical aspect that currently falls short is the lack of transparency in terms of how the collected feedback will be utilized and the actions, if any, that will be taken based on the feedback received. Users may question the value of providing feedback if they are uncertain about whether it will result in noticeable improvements. WhatsApp should proactively communicate how the feedback will be used and demonstrate a commitment to addressing the identified issues, fostering trust and encouraging active user participation.

Recommendations for Improvement:

  1. Enhanced Feedback Mechanism:

WhatsApp should consider implementing a more comprehensive feedback mechanism that goes beyond the 5-star rating system. By asking users specific questions about call clarity, stability, latency, and other relevant factors, a more detailed understanding of user experiences can be obtained, facilitating targeted improvements.

2. Timing and Context Considerations:

To encourage thoughtful feedback, WhatsApp should explore alternative timings for prompting users to provide feedback. By sending a reminder notification after a predetermined interval, users will have adequate time to reflect on their call experience and provide more accurate and valuable insights.

3. Comment Feature:

Introducing a comment feature alongside the star rating system would enable users to share their thoughts, concerns, or suggestions related to call quality. This additional feedback would provide more context and depth to the ratings, allowing WhatsApp to identify specific areas for improvement and prioritize user-driven enhancements.

4. Transparency and Actionability:

To build trust and increase user engagement, WhatsApp should establish a transparent feedback loop by effectively communicating how the collected feedback will be used and the steps the company plans to take based on user input. This transparency will demonstrate a commitment to addressing user concerns and foster a sense of shared responsibility in driving product improvements.

While WhatsApp’s audio call feedback feature represents a commendable step towards improving call quality, it currently faces limitations in terms of its feedback scope, contextualization, user commentaries, timing considerations, and transparency. By implementing the recommended improvements outlined above, WhatsApp can establish a more comprehensive and user-centric audio call feedback system. By actively listening to user feedback and fostering iterative improvement, WhatsApp can elevate the call quality experience and solidify its position as a leading communication platform.

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Rohit Verma

Group Product Manager @AngelOne, ex-@Flipkart, @Cleartrip @IIM Bangalore. https://topmate.io/rohit_verma_pm