Eigenquestions- The Product Framework for decision making

Rohit Verma
2 min readMay 25, 2021

“Eigenquestion” is a made-up-word that borrows from the linear algebra concept of eigenvectors. Essentially, eigenvectors describe the “most discriminating vector in a multidimensional space”. In other words, if you have 10 dimensions of points, the eigenvector points out a single dimension that will capture the majority of the points.

For a simplistic definition, the eigenquestion is the question where, if answered, it likely answers the subsequent questions as well.

The concept of Eigenquestions was introduced by Shishir Mehrotra, CEO of Coda while solving the below problem during his tenure as a PM at Youtube.

Problem Statement

Should Youtube link out to other websites when users land to zero results ?

Point of View

The business folks disagreed but the engineers were in favour.

Problem Solving Approach

Shishir realized that framing the debate in terms of consistency vs comprehensiveness can reap benefits. He reframe the question as “ Would the online video market be one that rewarded consistency or comprehensiveness ?”

It was easier to get a consensus on this question & consistency was chosen as the winner. The team decided to not link outside of YouTube for zero search results & furthermore took initiatives to bring consistency across all features.

Eigenquestion : “ Would the online video market be one that rewarded consistency or comprehensiveness ?”

How to apply Eigenquestion framework ?

  1. Make a consolidated list of all the important questions. Do your research and take inspiration from other fields as well. ✅
  2. Develop a detailed decision tree which list out all the relevant questions which will branch out subsequently from each question.Figure out the question which answers to maximum no of questions. Bravo!👏 That’s your Eigenquestion.
  3. Initiate brainstorming with the team to list out the possible answers to the Eigenquestion & highlight advantages & disadvantages against each answer. 🧠
  4. Come to a consensus along with all the relevant stakeholders.🤝
  5. Create a roadmap with specific milestones & share the visibility across teams. 💎

This framework is quite detailed and involves multiple steps to come to a conclusion but it helps to set the tone toward the landmark decision at the organization in the long term.

Thanks for reading! If you’ve got ideas to contribute to this conversation please comment. If you like what you read and want to see more, clap me some love! Follow here, or connect with me on LinkedIn



Rohit Verma

Senior Product Manager @AngelOne, ex-@Flipkart, @Cleartrip @IIM Bangalore. https://topmate.io/rohit_verma_pm